There is increasing value being left on the table found throughout a company’s consumer experience. By deliberately owning this experience, your brand can remove painful chores of doing business with you, while celebrating those moments of cherish - increasing value and growth.
The evolution of brand value moves beyond simply communicating your brand’s promise through advertising, but actually fulfilling that promise at crucial moments of interaction with the consumer. Let’s face it, sometimes it’s painful for consumers to do business with your brand. But, other times, it’s fun. Brand Experience Design is your brand’s deliberate and intentional creation of the experience your consumer encounters learning about, researching, purchasing, owning and recommending your products or services.
Throughout this journey and experience is lost value, waiting for you to capitalize on it - before someone else does.
Promise v Fulfillment Creation
Brands are more than an advertiser - they are a creator of experiences, value and personality. In today’s consumer-driven economy, brands have the responsibility to not only stand for a promise, but to fulfill that promise at crucial moments with their consumer.
Consumer Journey Mapping
Shopping, buying, consuming and recommending are non-linear processes our consumers take. Consumer Journey Maps are illustrations that not only show the ‘jobs’ consumers are trying to accomplish at key moments in their lives, but also moments of pain and pleasure that your brand can capitalize on.
Relationship Modeling
Building off the Consumer Journey Map, we’re able to generate the framework and makings of relationships with our consumers. By building trust, engagement and value with our consumers on an ongoing basis, we develop models for real consumer relationships - on a personalized level.
Brand Experience Design
Empowered with the Consumer Journey Maps and the Relationship Models, your brand now has the power to intentionally and deliberately create and craft the brand experiences that add increased value to the consumer and brand. This could be removing chores or celebrating moments of cherish - all adding new revenue or removing inefficiencies.
Strategic Roadmap Development
Relationships along with experiences aren’t built overnight and they’re not as simple as flipping a switch and walking away. They require focus, experimentation, listening and optimization. The development of a strategic roadmap offers brands a long-term view of where we’re going with short-term initiatives and wins.
Technology & Data Enablement
The tech and data stack needed to fulfill your brand’s experience design will differ from others - but it is the most important piece to your brand’s success in the long term. The more intelligent, seamless and personalized your experience can be, the more value your consumer will place on your brand.
How we’ve done it.
Automotive Mobility Strategy
We helped a Global Auto OEM answer the question, “How does our brand move from manufacturing and ownership to mobility and membership?”
Together, we developed a 10-year strategic roadmap that delivered a brand strategy, connected experience strategy, tech platforms and business model service design to build new behaviors for their consumer’s relationship with their brand.
NYCx EV Mobility Strategy
We helped the city of New York answer the question, “How might we eliminate all gas powered vehicles from NYC?”
We mapped out a multi-year, multi-faceted strategy that delivered a combination of EV chargers, service and traffic design, neighborhood business models and digital platforms to connect the driver to the infrastructure - benefitting all parties involved.
Pharmaceutical Platform
We helped a global Pharmaceutical company answer the question, “How do we empower our 70,000 monthly content creators to understand the brand and deploy it on brand consistently?”
Together, we built a digital platform that immersed the content creators in the essence of the brand, while giving them tools to access the templates and information needed to create content. Then we automated the review process to ensure effectiveness and efficiency.
Related thinking.
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Our approach.
We ask the right questions. We work in sprints. We bring in the best people for the job.