Experience Audit.

Find out how your consumer experiences your brand. Gain insight and opportunities to get better, fast.



During an Experience Audit, we take an unbiased look of your brand’s experience, from the view of the consumer. This raw insight shows opportunity to get better quickly and find new ways to serve your consumer - authentically.



Ghost Experience

During the experience audit, our team does just that - experiences the entirety of your brand. From being unaware to a loyal owner, we take a cold, hard look at what your consumers experience on a daily basis.

Stakeholder Interviews

To round out the audit, we hear from the folks involved - externally and internally. By getting the voice of the consumer and voice of employee, we get a 360 degree view of how the experiences come to life and why.

Observations & Recommendations

At the end of the audit, our team will deliver detailed observations and trends identified throughout the project. Armed with that information, we will provide recommendations to optimize, pivot or scale key areas throughout the experience.


Related thinking.

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