Martech on the rise
There is a lot of confusion around what martech really is. And even the definition of blending marketing and technology doesn’t help much more.
"Every piece of technology a marketer uses to reach a potential customer is martech," says John Koetsier, mobile economist at Tune in an AdAge article. So that means that martech can be any digital tool or software that helps marketers plan, execute and measure their marketing initiatives. With this broad definition one can imagine that there are many martech tools out there. In fact, according to there are almost 7000 companies covering marketing solutions from advertising over analytics to full marketing automation tools.
Martech software automates tasks that used to be manual. So it helps companies to modernize their workflows and become a “zero waste” company, while creating space and time for humans to do what they do best: strategic thinking and creative ideation.
“This works against the traditional ad agency model, since most advertising agencies make money off inefficiencies. ”
In his book ‘Madison Avenue Manslaughter’ our friend and advisor Michael Farmer provides the full picture of why and how ad agencies are under pressure to change their business model to compete with consultancies, in-house shops and martech.
Having managed global brands where a consistent look & feel is as important as the next unrivaled idea for a brand campaign, we are currently focusing on our martech platform Creative OS that helps brands create consistent marketing material, while making the creative production faster, cheaper and easier.
Get in touch to find out more.