Chinatown Bureau | Brand Growth through Brand Strategy + Technology | Consumer Experience

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Zero Waste Brand

When we start with a client engagement for brand growth, our first step is to find waste and remove it from the equation. We not only look at operations, but also data, consumer journeys, media mix, service offerings and all things around the consumer experience. The first step to achieve brand growth is to get back to zero. Meaning, we need to make sure that each action our brand is taking is as efficient as possible and each dollar spent is as effective as possible across the organization. 

The reason we do this is twofold. 

  1. Consumers Expect Efficiency: Consumers defect from hard, challenging relationships. An effective and efficient relationship with the brands we purchase is quickly becoming a basic factor for purchase. Think of getting an Uber versus calling for a Taxi Cab. 
  2. Reinvestment of Resources: As we get more efficient and effective, resources become available. These resources can be repurposed to solve other challenges for the brand, like new products or services, category innovation, or just giving back to the consumer.

We call this a Zero Waste Brand. To get to Zero Waste means we become a self sufficient, efficient machine across our organizations. We leverage the right technology the right way. We build lasting, evolving relationships with our consumers. We find incremental value in our current offerings. We free up resources to reinvest in the future. 

Each company is different, but here is how we get to zero waste.

  • Operations: We look at our operations for performing our product or service as well as how we communicate with our consumers. Automating those tasks that should be automated frees up the human capital to do what humans do best, have empathy, be creative, become better marketers, etc. There are a few examples of how this is happening across many organizations. Blockchain is transforming logistics, AI assistants like Omni & Marcel are providing real-time insight for decision making, chatbots are becoming a trusted service provider. 
  • Data: We’re on the downhill slide of “big data,” which is a good thing. Now we can remove the fog and become more strategic with our data. Here we look for ways to become more empowered, but also provide better consumer experiences. Spotify does an amazing job of learning about their audience on an individual user level. Not only do they know what and when you listen, but can understand what type of person you are to make the whole experience personalized. 
  • Communications: There is a lot of hubbub going on around MarTech and AdTech right now, which is a crucial aspect of implementing a Zero Brand strategy, but, we need to know our strategy first. Communications for a Zero Waste brand is a bit different for traditional organizations. We leverage strategies that focus on the life cycle and lifetime value of our current consumers or fans, versus acquisition. We build loyalists and advocates for our brand. We don’t simply lean on advertising and incentives. Have you ever seen a Tesla ad? How about a Honda ad?
  • Up-sell, cross-sell and repurchase: The idea of shifting from acquisition to retention brings in a new focus on revenue streams. Up-sell, cross-sell and repurchase all become a bigger drivers for success. Amazon has perfected the idea with related items and remarketing / retargeting. They’re also getting into seamless repurchase with subscription models and the dash button.
  • Technology: There is no Zero Waste brand without technology. Technology is never an end, but a means to an end. It enables what we’re trying to accomplish as a business, drives our Zero Waste brand and provides the foundation for category innovation. Walmart is doing some amazing things right now to compete with Amazon. Not only are they perfecting their in-store offerings for an end-to-end relationship with their customers, but they’re investing heavily in technology. This is opening up new purchase channels, new logistics services and new revenue and business models. All of this transformation, while still maintaining their brand promise and core service offering. 

Zero Waste isn’t a brand or company overhaul. It’s a strategic and business diagnostic of the digital infrastructure, operations and all current branding and communications. It’s cleaning up flaws, redundancies, and inefficiencies, getting to zero internal waste. So we can prepare for the future while making today more successful. 

How can getting to Zero Waste help drive brand growth in your organization? Leave a comment below or drop us a line.

Want to talk more? Let’s chat.